PPP015 - Controversies about lipid-lowering therapies with Dr Rochelle Gellatly

PPP015 - Controversies about lipid-lowering therapies with Dr Rochelle Gellatly

Jane and Dan chat to Dr Rochelle Gellatly, a clinical pharmacy specialist in critical care, an Australian Advanced Practice Pharmacist in Cardiology and a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist with added qualifications in Cardiology. She is currently working in Vancouver.

We talk to Rochelle about:

  • Recent changes in thinking about hyperlipidaemia, target LDLs and risk assessment
  • How scores for cardiovascular risk are used in practice
  • What we know (or don’t) about the optimal dose of a statin and the frequency of adverse events

Further reading:

2016 European Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidaemias. European Heart Journal. 2016;37(39):2999-3058.

2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guideline on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk Circulation. 2014;129(25 Suppl 2):S1-45.

Statins for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults: Evidence Report and Systematic Review JAMA. 2016;316(19):2008-24.

European Consensus Statement: Statin-associated muscle symptoms European heart journal. 2015;36(17):1012-22.

PPP016 - Inter-professional education with Professor Tina Brock

PPP016 - Inter-professional education with Professor Tina Brock

PPP014 - Serotonin toxicity, overdoses and antivenoms with Geoff Isbister

PPP014 - Serotonin toxicity, overdoses and antivenoms with Geoff Isbister