PPP 159 - Deprescribing psychotropics with Dr Mark Horowitz

PPP 159 - Deprescribing psychotropics with Dr Mark Horowitz

Join Kristin as she talks with Dr Mark Horowitz about how to deprescribe psychotropics like antidepressants, what is known about the causes of depression, what evidence is behind the antidepressants commonly used, what the symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal look like and the origins of the phrase "it's Bedlam here."

The Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines: Antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, Gabapentinoids and Z-drugs are available for purchase here: 


Note: Dr Mark Horowitz is a co-author of the Maudsley Deprescribing Guidelines.

This podcast has been released to co-incide with MedsAware which is SHPA’s Deprescribing Action Week, 18-24 March 2024 - find out more here:


PPP 160 - Social and Cultural Considerations in Antimicrobial Use with A/Prof Esmita Charani

PPP 160 - Social and Cultural Considerations in Antimicrobial Use with A/Prof Esmita Charani

PPP 158 - Psoriasis with Associate Professor Deshan Sebaratnam

PPP 158 - Psoriasis with Associate Professor Deshan Sebaratnam